Tanya Madam Cinta

Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Sebenernya ni dah lama... tp ngga ada yg basi dg ramalan cinta.. :P Lumayan buat lucu2an... But please keep in mind, this is just 4 fun... Ngga usah percaya ye.. :P


posted by rin at 1:39 PM, | 0 comments

The 1st Shop of Coffee Prince

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Dah lama ni ngga nonton K-Drama.. Tp secara 2 hr sempet terkapar gara-gara kurang minum air putih, gw akhirnya berkesempatan nonton serial yg sebenernya dah lama dibeli ini...
Gw beli ni serial krn menurut review K-Drama yg terpercaya *gubrakk*, ada di peringkat 4 (yg peringkat seblmnya dah gw tonton smuwa :P).. Berarti lumayan OK dunks... Review yg bagus emang jd salah satu pertimbangan gw buat nonton.., selaen pemain yg ganteng tentunya.. hehehe..
Dengan berbekal rating yg OK ini, gw mulai punya harapan tinggi dunks sama ni drama...
Ternyataaa... so typical K-Drama.. where a poor girl met a rich, handsome boy... then there was a relationship contract, b4 they finally fall for each other.. bedanya cuma co-nya keliru mengira ce yg tomboy ini sebagai co.. So it's kinda hillarious or sad (?) when he was struggling with his sexual preference.. Setelah akhirnya tau ni ce ternyata ce beneran.. sempet marah krn ngerasa diboongin n akhirnya baekan lg.. N lega kali y... krn ternyata dia normal2 aja.. :P
Kesimpulannya: dramanya siy not bad lah.., tapi perlu acungin jempol buat Yoo Eun Hye yg akting jd co-nya ok.. ganteng jg dia kalo jd co... bisa bgt ngerubah karakter dia sebelumnya jd ce manis di Princess Hours.. (Ketauan bgt dah kalo gw kebanyakan nonton K-Drama.. :P)


posted by rin at 9:11 AM, | 1 comments

The Scammer

Sunday, July 6, 2008
A couple days ago..., a guy consult to me about "international banking transaction"..
I'm not a consultant or an expert per se.., but I'm more than happy if I could help.. :)

A (this guy) met this girl (call her B) via friendster.. B acclaimed that she's a Rwandan who currently lives in a refugee camp, Senegal.. Since then, they sent email frequently thru their private email address.. It looks like they're more than a friend.., coz a friend wudn't call darling, my love, sweetheart and anyother romantic callnames in his/her letter, wud he/she...?
Ok.., so B acclaimed that she inherited some substantial amount of money (ok.., it's $4.7 M.. No kidding huh..) from her late father (C) which was deposited in Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS), UK.. She said she was the only beneficiary of that money, she's aint got no other relatives.. The thing is..., RBS ask her to appoint other representative in order to get the money..
So...., as u can guess..., B appointed A as her next of kin.. Few from documents required from the bank are the power of attorney endorsed by a Senagelese resident lawyer permiting A to claim and transfer the fund to A's bank a/c on her berhalf and an affidavit of support from the Senegalese high court with B's signature in it (A gave me the copy of the email sent by RBS regarding this matter).
In order to get these documents ready, the lawyer from Judicial Advocates D'senegal Rue Achimiyou Reccess ask for amount USD1,905 for the court expenses. Since B's so poor and cannot do anything.., she asked A for help to pay these expenses. She promised, after A recieved the money, she'll come here and they should be live happily ever after with the money...

OMG.. Above scenario is so lame...
You already guess that she was a scammer, don't you..?

The thing is... this guy was about to withdrawal his deposit for the sake of his love...
I immediately said DONNTT...

Here's why:
1. Never fully trust people you met thru this cyberworld.. Most of friendster's data are fake.. (yea.., I know that I belong to the minority ones :P)
I've checked her friendster address.., and it's obviously suspicious..
2. From RBS' email.. It's obviously weird that a major bank sent email via free webmail address such as @financial.net and @mail2world.com.. It should be official.., shouldn't it..
I've checked the guy stated as Accounts Dept was actually the CEO of RBS.. :P
3. It's already weird in the first place, all those schemes.. how she asked the guy to transfer the money first in order to received sumthing much bigger... so similar with Indonesian scammer that told a person is winning a prize, but he/she should transfer some amount of money first to pay taxes in order to receive that prize..
4. And so many other weird things....

From the RBS' email I've read, I don't think that the scammer was an english speaking countries' native .. Just like me, he/she made so many grammar/vocab mistakes.. ;)

Well.., it's just my curiousity.., i found that A is not the first victim..
Check this out...
(an exact condition with different first name and amount of money)
(the same advocate that B used)

So the message here is.., pls be more prudent... and go googling.. a lot...


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posted by rin at 12:07 PM, | 2 comments

Kungfu Panda

Sebenernya dah lama siy nonton filmnya.. Tp br dibahas.., karena ni film mang worth it bgd buat diliat...
Udahlah lucu..,
animasinya oke bgd lagee...,
trus martial arts actionnya jg serruu..
Jack Black pas bgt jd pengisi suaranya si Po... si panda nduth n lucu yg tak dinyana cud save the day...
Yah buat yg blom nonton.., nonton deh...
Menghibur banget :))


posted by rin at 11:45 AM, | 0 comments


Yup.. dah sebulan niy ngga posting...
Bukan krn males kayak biasanya siyy...
Cuma lg pen vakum aja sementara waktu..

With lots of things going on..,
maybe its time to stop and stare for a while...



posted by rin at 11:21 AM, | 0 comments