Name Part 1

Saturday, March 22, 2008
A common conversation in an introduction between me (A) and a new person (Q):
Q : "Rin.., nama panjangnya apa..?"
A : "Bla... Bla... Bla.."
Q : "Mm.. bagus ya.. dari bahasa arab yah..?"
A : "Iyahh.. Makasih.. *blushing*… *GR Mode On*.."
Q : "Artinya apa..?"

Nahh.. Setiap dihadapkan dengan pertanyaan terakhir ini gw selalu bingung ngejawabnya..
Soalnya.., jujur gw cuma tau sampe dua suku kata pertama aja.. which is.. perlihatkanlah cahaya…

Okey.., suku kata terakhir nama gw adalah hafni..
Gw dah tanyain ama sang pemberi nama yang ngga laen adalah tante gw…
“Yuh nduk.., wis lali bulik… tapi sing jelas artine uaapik kok…”


Jadi Hafni ini buat gw masih misteri…

Jadi kalo dulu ditanya artinya apa, gw jawab ajah: perlihatkanlah cahayanya si hafni.. :P

Abis, dah sempet cari di buku or web nama2 hasilnya nihil..

Tp ngga berenti disitu dunks...

Dibantu dengan n tanya sana-sini.. Gw jadi dapet beberapa versi:
1. Ada yang bilang artinya secawuk (red: diartiin jd secercah kali yee..)
2. Ada yang bilang artinya berasal dari hanif yang artinya pandai..
3. Terakhir blogwalking ada yang bilang katanya artinya sama dengan nisbah..

Lohh.. kok artinya ngga ada yang sama ya..?

Jadinya kalo sekarang ditanya artinya apa, gw jawab aja:
Silahkan pilih arti yang dianggap paling sesuai:
a. Perlihatkanlah secercah cahaya
b. Perlihatkanlah cahaya pandai
c. Perlihatkanlah cahaya nisbah
d. Jawaban a, b dan c benar
e. Jawaban a, b dan c salah

Halahhh malah kayak ulangan pilihan ganda ye...


posted by rin at 11:34 AM, | 0 comments

Arti Mimpi

Thursday, March 20, 2008
Dua hari yang lalu...
Gw mimpi..
Renang di kolam renang sama ex house mate..
Katanya orang sihh..
Kalo mimpi renang berarti mo sakit...

Gw beneran sakit...
Countless threw up..
The first time for the last five years..

I hope she’s just fine.. (r u..?)..

Ngomong-ngomong soal mimpi…
Emang sih yahh.. katanya mimpi itu bs berarti macem2….
Gw sendiri br percaya kalo artinya bagus.. (hehehe.. yah kan kali aja bener.. :P) Lagipula.., spt dijelasin di the secret.., kalo kita negative thinking malah akan menarik hal-hal yg negative pulak.. :P

Sebagai orang yang cukup imaginatif.., gw sering bgt mimpi..
(Eh.., ada kolerasinya ngga sehh..? :P)
Sebagian besar sih pas bangun gw dah lupa..
Tapi aslee variatif bgt.., mulai dr masalah hari-hari sampe yg model sinetron kayak gini... :P

Dari seringnya mimpi.., gw coba mengklasifikasikan mimpi2 gw *halah* sbb:

a. Kepikiran

Mimpi ini bs jadi perwujudan apa yang lagi gw rasain.. Misalnya pas lagi banyak2nya assignments.. gw mimpi ngerjain assignment.. Ihh.., ngga lucu bgt ya.. bangun2 juga assignmentnya belom kelar.. Kerja dua kali jadinya.. :P

b. Harapan

Biasanya tjd kalo ada keinginan yang belom kesampean.. Contoh sederhananya.., misalnya siangnya gw kepingin beli tas tp ngga jadi.. malemnya mimpi deh tuh beli tas ituhh.. Corny ye.. :P

c. Bunga Tidur

Mimpi yang bener2 ngaco.. biasanya setelah jam 3 pagi ato deket2 subuh nihh.. bisa soal apa aja.. mulai dr pacaran sama seleb (yg gw jg ngga ngefans) sampe ikut dalam suatu petualangan yg ngga jelas.. Mimpi2 jenis ini biasanya forgettable..

d. Isyarat

Mimpi-mimpi yang bermakna katanya.. Biasanya kejadian sekitaran jam 2.. Tafsirnya apa gw sendiri kebanyakan ngga tau.., tp biasanya mimpi2 jenis ini berkesan.. Mimpi jenis ini pula yg bs jadi isyarat peristiwa di masa depan.., yg biasanya gw br sadar pas udah kejadian..Atau kadang2 di masa depan mimpi ini jd dejavu...

e. Orang Lain

Selain sering ngimpiin tentang diri sendiri.. gw kadang suka mimpiin orang laen.. Biasanya seh friends and family... Tau kebetulan atau ngga.. kadang2 dr mimpi ini gw bs nebak apa yg lagi update sama mereka.. (misalnya kalo mereka lg resah.., lg seneng dsb..)

Yup.., mungkin mimpi bs jadi cuma bunga tidur atau mengandung isyarat tertentu... Bs seneng atopun ngga...

Mengutip Hadist riwayat Bukhari ra:
Dari Abu Sa`id Al-Khudri, bahwa sesungguhnya dia mendengar Nabi saw. bersabda: “Apabila seorang dari kamu melihat suatu mimpi yang menyenangkan maka sesungguhnya mimpi itu hanyalah dari Allah, maka hendaklah ia memuji Allah (bertahmid) atas mimpinya itu dan hendaklah ia memberitakannya. Dan apabila ia melihat (bermimpi) tidak demikian dari yang tidak menyenangkannya maka sesungguhnya mimpi itu hanyalah dari syaitan, maka hendaklah ia memohon perlindungan (tawwudz kepada Allah) dari keburukaannya dan janganlah menuturkannya kepada seseorang, maka mimpi itu tidak membahayakannya (mudharat)”.

Jadi.. whatever it is.. balikin lagi kali yee semuanya sama Yang Di Atas..


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posted by rin at 8:16 AM, | 0 comments

Shopaholic's Essential Guide

Sunday, March 16, 2008
Shopping, especially for a woman (read: me :P), could be something very refreshing yet challenging. However, it could be stressful afterwards, to pay all those bills... :(
Therefore, no matter how much I love to shop.., I try to keep it under control... ;)

How to shop without wounding our financial standing so much....?
Hopefully few tips below would be handy....

1. Planning

Not only managing business that needs an organized plan, but shopping also needs a perfect plan so we can have a win-win solution for both our desirable needs and financial standing. It wont take hours to create a plan, but we may need weeks (okey maybe hours :P) to regret buying unnecessary things due to unplanned shop.
Inspired by 4 P's Marketing Mix.., following are Buying Blend *maksa mode on* we may need to consider:

a. Product

Yep.. First of all, we need to determine what will we buy. Make a list if we need to. Hopefully this list will assist us to be more focus (avoiding distractions). Moreover, it can be functioned as a reminder so we wont miss a thing on the shopping list.

b. Price

For me, price is essential.. The basic idea is how we can maximize our shopping cart with a limited fund.. First, we need to measure our capacity.., then arrange our budget.. Yep.., we need to keep our financial standing on the track.. Don’t let shopping make us bankrupt.. coz if we get bankrupt, we wont be able to shop anymore, right…..? :P
Anyway, I was inspired by Coles tag.. "Why pay more for everyday's basic.."
So for monthly shop.., if could find tho lowest price possible.. why not? :P

c. Place

After we find out what will we buy and arrange the budget, we may now decide where should we go. Is it a shopping mall, factory outlet or traditional market? If we want more specific stores, there are stores/markets that offer particular items such as shoes market @ Pasar Baru, electronics arcade @ Glodok, cell phone stores @ Roxy, etc.. Budget may affect shopping arcade selections.. For example, if we look for a low price textile, we could find it @ Cipadu, Tangerang. However, if we do have a spare budget, we could go to Mayestik Market which provides a more expensive textile. In conclusion, again.., all we need is measure our condition and capacity.

Another thing needs to be underlined here.. is to ensure that we know how to get there :p Don’t wanna waste time to search where the shop is.. Better use the time to shop longer… :P

d. People

Asking our girlfriends for shopping might have been the best idea since
they’ll never get bore or tired to accompany us exploring shopping arcades. They
could give the second opinion and they could be good managers, since they could
remind us if we’re shopping too much... What about men..? Well.., it depends on
their patience level.. :P :P

e. Phase

Timing is important for the sale hunter. Shopping malls usually provide the
great shopping sale in particular months (usually in the beginning, in the
middle and in the end of the year). Besides shopping mall, timing is also
essential for traditional market lover. For instance, buying things early in the
morning (as the stalls started to open) may let you to get lower price than
buying things in the mid day..

2. Sale.. Sale.. Sale..

As mentioned above, timing is really important for the sale hunter. Usually, sale wont last for a long time.. For example, some shops may offer 2 days or a week. Jakarta Great Sale takes time for a month around June (when Jakarta celebrates its anniversary). Therefore, we need to pay attention when the sale season is begin or end. If we have a chance, please check the price before and after discount. Is there any significant change, or do the retailers already rise their product’s price. Moreover.., we need to pay more attention for the product itself. Is it containing any damages? Sometimes bargaining goods are defected or rejected products. The last but not the least, please beware of the % signs. I am fortunate myself could read % signs from the distances.. hehehe.. Please pay attention as well to the small prints under the % signs which usually describe the discounts’ terms and conditions.

For example:

50% OFF
For the second pair of shoes

3. Bargaining Power

For me, the bargaining part is the essence of the art of shopping. It’s more like a personal satisfaction to succeed in the bargaining process.. What could be more delightful than getting lower price than any other stores…? hehe.. Maybe it needs a little bit more efforts to get. But that’s the challenge anyway.... :P

a. Personal Approach

Be friendly.... and smile... By a good personal approach, we could gain more sympathy from the seller and might get what we want. For example, since we dunno whether our bid price is reasonable enough... we could avoid the seller to get mad @ us, should our bid price is too low.. :P

b. Mini Survey

To set the benchmark of the bid price, we need to conduct a mini survey (just compare with 3 to 5 similar stores – depend on the population) so that the
price range can be found out.

c. The Rule of Thumb

Start to bargain with the price a little bit below our range. Usually it takes 1/3 times of the offering price. Then, we can gradually increase our bid.

d. Desire

Please don't show our interest so much to the targeted product. Pretend to walk away whenever the seller doesn’t want to give up. If the seller doesn’t call us back, it might indicate that the price offered is already the best price.

e. Ask First

Don’t hesitate to ask whether the price of targeted stuff is on a bargain. I often found fixed price stores or even shopping malls are willing to discount their fix price when I ask. Similar with a proverb: “Malu bertanya, sesat di jalan”…, this could be “Malu bertanya, ngga dapet diskon” :P

f. Fixed Price..? Ask For Extras.. :P

Major shopping centers or outlets may offer fix price. But it doesn’t necessarily it is a dead end. All we need is a negotiation. We could ask for extras eg. souvenir bag or other bonuses. For example, I ever got a charger as a bonus for buying a MP3 player (Thx mate :P)...

g. Timing

As discussed in point 1, timing is essential in a bargaining process. Buying things early in the morning (as the stalls started to open) may let us to get lower price than buying things in the mid day.. It happens probably due to the "Penglaris"myth... Buying things by the end of the day could also let us to get lower price..

h. Re-check the Price

Re-check the price if you dare. This way, we may evaluate whether our deal price is already the best price. There might be dissapointment should we know that other store is offering a lower price. But this is a priceless information that can be useful for the next shopping trip or for our friends and families.

4. First Hunch

Trust your first hunch. If we already like something at the first sight, that could be it. To avoid regret, we could ask the seller whether there are more stocks or maybe could ask him/her to keep ‘em for a while.

5. Know Our Rights

We need to know our rights as customers. For example, we could change defected stuff we bought. Beware of misleading and deceptive conduct that were captured under section 52 and 53 Trade Practice Act 1974 (Australia). In Indonesia, we could contact Yayasan Lembaga Konsumen Indonesia (YLKI) should we have any queries.

Okeyy galls.. Let's Shop... But Not Till We Drop.. :)

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posted by rin at 7:39 AM, | 2 comments

Into The Wild

Sunday, March 9, 2008
Yayy.. Finally got the DVD...

Tinggal bukunya aja nih.. :)

After graduating from Emory University, top student and athlete Christopher McCandless abandons his possessions, gives his entire $24,000 savings account to charity and hitchhikes to Alaska to live in the wilderness in on a path of self-discovery. Throughout his epic journey the people he meets both influence and are influenced by the person he is and bring him to the eventual and tragic realisation that "Happiness is only real when shared".



posted by rin at 6:48 PM, | 1 comments

The Secret

Sebenernya dah lama pengen baca buku ini...
Kayaknya bagus..
Selalu dipajang di etalase Borders..
Cuma waktu itu diskonnya belom signifikan..
Jd sabar aja dehh..
Sampe akhirnya disini dapet versi Indonesianya + DVD bajakannya.. :P

Ternyata.., sabar gw ngga percuma..
I mean.. Thank God I didn't buy it there..
Considering it was 5 times more expensive.. *fiuhh*

OK.., gw dah dapet konsep law of attraction..
You are what you're thinkin of..
Or.. positive thought will attract positive things, vice versa..
Tapi apa iya.. cukup dengan "berpikir"... semua bakal dateng sendiri..
Katanya nihhh.. ngga perlu kita pikirin caranya gmn.. biarkan "semesta"yang bekerja...
Good or bad...
Penulis lupa menulis adanya takdir n takdim..
Serta kekuatan usaha dan doa
Bahwa Tuhan tidak akan merubah nasib suatu kaum tanpa adanya usaha..
Kalo mang bener kata buku ini..
Gmn caranya ya supaya seluruh orang Indo berpikir biar ngga ada lagi bencana kayak banjir..
Meskipun disisi laen tetep ye.. yang namanya illegal logging, sampah2, pembabatan hutan dsb ngga diatasin..
Yah.., tapi hal tsb diatas bs dimaklumin kali y..
Secara penulis wong Londo yang mungkin punya pemikiran "beda"...

But at least.., buku ini mengingatkan gw untuk lebih banyak berpikir positif..
Yah... in the end... bs2nya kita kali yeee ngefilter mana yang bagus/sesuai ato ngga dari buku ini..

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posted by rin at 5:43 PM, | 1 comments

9 End 2 Outs

The drama is about love of singles in their 30s. Hong Nan Hee is an ordinary worker at a publishing firm, she's a girl who always falls in and out of love since she was young until one day when she meets an old classmate, Byun Hyung Tae, who is a team leader of an advertising company again. Hyung Tae may seem to be a good catch in the eyes of many women but he's only a cowardly boy to Nan Hee whom he has grown up with. '9 End 2 Outs' is using the baseball theme to compare to the fates and lives of the people in love.


Just finished this drama...
If u lookin 4 somethin different.. This could be a must watched drama..
Unlike any other K-dramas.., this drama's storyline is pretty realistic..
No cinderella stories..
No contract marriages..
No mean, awful, horrible antagonists..

Yep.. some parts are kind of draggy..
I even skipped ep.12-15..
Maybe I'll wath ém later should I've got the time.. :P
But overall.., it's a nice drama..
I can't help myself not to cry.. (oops)
Especially when finally Nan Hee decided to break up with Jung Joo..
Yep.. 8-year age different does matter.. :(

Although this drama is somewhat different..
I'm kind of getting the same messages with other K-Dramas..
The heroines were falling in love after they're living together..
eg. Full House, My Girl, Witch Amusement, etc)
If u want to get someone to love u..
Maybe u should try to live together.. :P :P



posted by rin at 5:11 PM, | 0 comments

Good Morning Sunshine :)

Andeikan gw bs tiap hari menikmati teh pagi kayak gini...

Iyahh.. antenenya agak-agak sedikit ngengganggu (if u notice) :P

Rumah Jambu Luwuk, Bogor..


posted by rin at 4:45 PM, | 0 comments

Ayat Ayat Cinta

Monday, March 3, 2008
Hanya ada sedikit film yang diangkat dr buku yg gw tonton....
Hanya ada sedikit film yang gw bela2in nonton meski ngga dapet tempat duduk yg "proper"..
Dan hanya ada satu film Indo yg bs bikin gw ngelakuin itu semua...

Yup.. Ayat Ayat Cinta emang fenomenal..
Gw dah lama bgt baca bukunya.. Sebelum jadi best seller gt dehh..
My first impression.. "This novel is different..."
Jadi penasaran waktu tau ni film bakalan di-layarlebarin..
Dan ternyata.. keliatannya kali ini MD Pictures menuai sukses berat..
Seperti biasa.., jangan bandingin buku dengan film... karena bakalan beda..
Ada beberapa bagian yg ngga diceritain dan ada bbrp bagian yang ditambahin..
Endingnya aja jg berbeda...
But I think this film is one of the must watched movies..
Yang jadi pemeran2nya lumayan bs mendeskripsikan yg dr novel..
Yg jadi Fahri misalnya, lumayan sukses menggambarkan anak muda karismatik meski ngga ganteng2 bgt.. (apa sehh.., tp emang karisma ngga selalu berkorelasi sama ganteng :P)
Tiap ce bakal klepek2 deh kalo kenal si Fahri ini.. Mungkin gw jg bakal gt.. hahaha.. :P
Ada sihh bbrp detail yg buat gw cukup mengganggu..
Kayak penggunaan bahasa yang dicampur antara arab n Indo..
Atau kayak waktu si Maria ngangkat koper segitu gede tanpa keliatan keberatan.. dsb
Tapi secara keseluruhan ketutup kok... Ok bgt lahh :)

"Jodoh itu datangnya bukan dari langit...
tapi dari hati... dekaat sekali...."

"cinta itu berbeda dengan rasa ingin memiliki..."

dan masih banyak sayings lainnya...
Nonton sendiri aja deh... :)

For a start, watch the trailer here

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posted by rin at 10:05 PM, | 0 comments