
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Yea baby.. I'm done.. :)

Being here is one of the greatest gifts I've ever got..
It's like a drop of water on the sahara, I've might say.. :)
And I'm so grateful for that...

However..., every journey has an end...
And so does this one...

Yea... I consider my presence here as a break from my life drama...
Which I prefer not to talk about..
However.... again...., this "vacation" have to come to an end...
Finishing meaning I've to go back to life...
Back to life...
Back to reality...

This is the beginning...

While school life is filled with assignments and exams...,
the real assignments and exams are -of course- in the real life..
Yea... many things need to be settled...
Lots of homeworks to be done...
Hopefully I would have the strength and wisdom to get through...
I still keep on working on 'em though :P

Yep.. I guess I'll always be a student of life..

Aza... aza.. fighting............ :)


posted by rin at 6:46 PM, | 0 comments

Sambel Tempeh

"Salah satu sambel favorit gw.. Ini dya salah satu alasan knapa gw jauh2 bawa ulekan.. hehehehe... Ni sambel enak.., gampang.., n cepet ngebikinnya.. Satu lagi.., bs buat nge-recycle tempe goreng biasa.. (hehehe.. pas bgt deyyy buat ekehhh... :P).. Sajikan pake nasi hangat byar tambah mantabh... :P "

- Tempe
- Cabe hijau
- Bawang putih
- Garam

Cara Membuat:
- Goreng Tempe, cabe hijau dan bawang putih..
- Angkat, tiriskan trus semuanya + garam diulek...
- Selesai^^

Perkiraan waktu membuat: 2 menit ajahh


posted by rin at 2:31 PM, | 0 comments


Saturday, November 24, 2007
Sebuah pesawat terbang melintas langit biru memecah heningnya pagi itu..
Spontan seorang bocah 3 tahun usianya menatap langit seraya melambaikan tangannya...
Dia pun berseru dengan kencang dengan harapan kan terdengar oleh para penumpang...


Dan setiap ada pesawat terbang yg melintas..., sang bocah mengulang hal yg sama...

Duhhh deek..., tante kan ngga tinggal di dalam pesawat.. Mungkin ini akibat terlalu sering nganter tante ke bandara.. :P

Ekehh punn jadi terharu....

I'm coming home soon kiddo... :)


posted by rin at 3:38 PM, | 0 comments

An Incovenient Truth

Sunday, November 11, 2007
This 2006 American Academy Award Winning Documentary film is indeed so alarming. I've recently watched this movie, and not once have I got bored although it mostly showed Al Gore's giving presentation about global warming to an audience somewhere... :P
However, this movie later on have become such a controversy where some inaccuracies were found (eg. see them here). Whether he's right or wrong on some details presented.., I guess it would be better if we focused on the solutions... Isn't prevention much better than the cure...?

Following are ten things to do as excerpted from the DVD's back cover:
  1. Replacing six regular light bulbs with compact fluorescent light bulbs.
  2. Drive less, walk, bike, carpool or take public transport more often.
  3. Recycle more.
  4. Keeping our tyres inflated properly could improve our car's fuel efficiency.
  5. Use less hot water.
  6. Avoid products with a lot of packaging.
  7. Move our thermostat down 2 degrees in winter and up 2 degrees in summer.
  8. Plant a tree and more.
  9. Turn off electronic devices when we're not using them.
  10. Be a part of the solution.
Actually, there are many other things that we can do..
Whatever it is, just do our best to save our planet :)

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posted by rin at 7:34 PM, | 0 comments

Samosa Suka Suka

Saturday, November 10, 2007
"Niatnya mo bikin martabak.., tapi kok kulitnya ketebelan ya... Trus, jadi kepikiran bikin samosa..., itu lohh.. snack tradisional Asia Selatan.. Kalo pengen tau lebih lanjut coba liat disini... Tapi sih inihh modifikasi abiss.. alias suka suka... Jadi deh.., samosa suka suka.. Tapi sih kata temen enak kok... Lumayan nehh buat nyemil... :P"

Bahan & Bumbu:
- Chinese pancake (buat kulitnya)
- Daging ayam giling
- Ebi (direndem trus dicincang deyy)
- Bawang putih (dikeprak trus cincang)
- Bawang merah (diiris tipis2, cincang)
- Bawang bombay (diiris tipis2, cincang)
- Daun bawang (diiris tipis2)
- Daun salam
- Laos (dikeprak dulu gitu deyy)
- Garam
- Gula
- Mentega buat numis
- Telur

Cara Membuat:

- Tumis bawang putih sampe wangi
- Masukin bawang merah & bombay sampe layu
- Masukin laos n salam
- Masukin daging ayam giling sama ebi cincang
- Tambahin garam secukupnya trus aduk2 dehh
- Mo ditambahin air juga boleh (tapi dikit aja kali y)
- Stlh daging berubah warna tambahin daun bawang n sedikit gula
- Matikan kompor
- Kocok telur, masukin adonan ayam diatas, aduk2 sampe rata
- Lipat Chinese pancake berbentuk segitiga.. diisi pake ayam tadi..
- Pinggiran pancake bisa di"lem" pake telur
- Goreng di minyak yg agak banyak dg api sedang
- Bolak balik.., angkat
- Selesai^^


- Campur saos sambal, saos tomat sama air perasan jeruk limun

Perkiraan waktu membuat: 40 menit

  • Sajikan hangat2
  • Isi boleh diganti2.., misalnya mo pake daging sapi giling or buat vegetarian, boleh juga pake wortel.. yah.. suka2 dehh..^^


posted by rin at 6:16 AM, | 0 comments

I'd Lost My Wallet

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Yea.. I'd lost my wallet...
But I was almost sure that I left it on the public transport (I remembered there was the last place I used it)...
Then I rang the public transport company.., and thank God..
Someone found my wallet and gave it to them...
And they kept it...
And thus, I could get my wallet back.... completely.... :)

Actually, it's not my first experience to loose a wallet...
I ever lost my wallet back home there..
And here is the difference between here and there:
Here : I've lost my wallet, I could get it back completely
There: I've lost my wallet, I've got nothing but the ID back... :P

Yea.., whatever it is... one thing for sure:
"Kalo emang jodoh, ngga kan lari kemana.... :P"

Thank God...
Thank you Marilla.. :)


posted by rin at 7:11 AM, | 0 comments

NKOTB: New Kid On The Blog Part 2

Monday, November 5, 2007

As mentioned in NKOTB Part 1, I dunno much about blogging and how blogger works.. But I wanted to be special *halaahh*... So, I googled around... Learned from edittag and barebones.... Finally did it.. and here is the recap:

Step By Step (ooh.. baby... :P):

1. Create a Blogger Account

Simply sign up on Just follow the instructions.. It takes less than 5 minutes to register ;P

2. Import Posts from Previous Blog

As part of documenting.... I wanna import posts from my previous blog... Although they might have been so trivial.. :P

According to this website (my previous blog):

To export posts from your blog, click the Edit Posts shortcut link for the blog on your Blogs tab. Then click the Import/Export link to enter the Export area.

To save the exported data to a file, you can right-click the Export link and choose Save Target As... to choose a location. On the Macintosh, hold down the option key while clicking on the link.

This will give you a file that contains your blog posts. The file can be saved on your local computer as a backup, or imported into another blog.

I tried 'em on.., but dunno why it didn't work.. Until I've read in Blogger's forum that the only way to import posts is by copy-paste.. I know it's so time consuming.. But since I've got like 18 entries.., it took less than an hour to do it... :p Unfortunately, I cannot copy-paste the comments....

3. Layout v Template

They both related to the appearance of the blog... By default, we will be directed to Bloggers Layout.. Here, we can choose 16 available templates... Blogger has make it easier for us to use these templates.. There's a drag n drop menu on the template so that we could personalize our blog's layout. On the page element.., we could add contents according our preference such as labels, polls, video, etc...
However......., should we wanna to use templates outside those available templates, we should change from layout to template.. Coz many of third-party templates will only work if we're using a classic template..

Two steps to migrate from layout to template:
i. Click Layout
then Edit HTML.
At the bottom of the box, there is a link: revert to classic template.
Should this link is clicked, there's a message: "if you revert to your classic template, you will be able to recover your current design. Click OK to revert. Then, click "OK".

ii. P
aste copied code from free templates provider
After setting were saved succesfully, we could paste copied code from free templates provider into Edit HTML menu. Then, save template changes.

Many free templates available could be found (thx Google :P) eg..

4. Contents

As I mentioned before, new blogger has made us easier to add desirable contents (see point 3).. However, since I used classic blogger (in order to enable me to use free templates^^), I need to access HTML function... And thing is..., I'm not familiar with it.. And again, thanks to edittag and barebones, I could make a bit of modifications :P

a. Categories

I think categories or labels is an essential feature required in the blog. The idea is to get organized of course... :P However...., I ever found difficulties in adding labels on my blog's page.. (I used classic template).. But the problem could be solved by adding HTML link to location code. For more info, click here.

b. Link

We could add useful sites or our friends' blog link in our page. Similar with adding categories, adding links could use HTML link to location code.

c. Other Features

We could also add many other features, such as video, shoutbox and hit counter... For video, could use Vodpod. Shoutbox could use oggix, while hit counter could use ezystat... There are many other providers available though.. Just google 'em :P.. However, some of them require us to register (free^^).. Once we get the embedded code, we could copy paste 'em into edit HTML menu.. Not as complicated as it seems.. :)

Okey..., I think that's the basic... Basically.., this blog is still on progress as well.. :P Well...., I guess I need to learn more... :)


posted by rin at 5:13 PM, | 0 comments

NKOTB: New Kid On The Blog Part 1

Sunday, November 4, 2007
Yay... Finally... My blog's new home is finally done.... :)
I've decided to migrate from my previous blog to Blogger coz I think this one is better.. (hopefully, if not, why should I move? :P)
Yea... The thing is, as u all know, many features are unavailable in my previous blog (e.g. autosave)... Furthermore, quoting Sylar: "I want it to be special" (but I'd like to add: without extra cost.... hehehe....) Well...., I guess "Home Sweet Home" is applied in this case...^^

Although I started blogging since a couple years ago (see History below *halahhh*), I still dunno much about it. Just a couple of writings, then I abandoned them... How could I know much..? This could've made me like a New Kid On The Blog... :P


1. My First Blog

Two years ago, I was introduced to the world of blogging by a friend... Thinking it could be a place to express my feelings.., I started to blog.. It's a a bit weird though..., considering I never had a diary when I was a kid.. Being not used to express my feeling in writing.., I dared myself... After a few posts..., I realized... all of them are dark and twisted.... Then, I decided to write only the happy stories... Afterwards...., there was no post at all... hahaha... What does it mean? :P

2. My Untouchable Blog

Three months ago, I tried to blog again.. Started by a pessimistic sentence...., unsure whether I could commit with my decision...., I started blogging.

This is the result:
Hahahaha... Only one post and that's it...... :P

3. My Previous Blog

A month ago, I tried to restart blogging.. This time, a different provider...
I did it on purpose actually... Since I think my moody attitude needs some motivation....., I blogged where my friends are informed with my posts up date... I've made some progress... I've posted 17 entries a month.. Much better than my past two blogs :P Thank you guys for your comments and questions should I've never post for so long... :)

4. My New Home

Tadaaaa... It's about the time.... A time for me to move on, considering I didn't have a lot of posts yet... ;) This time, I need a purpose... To express feelings i guess wont work (see point #1)... Then, I remembered how well my mom documented everything.. She even wrote me a book of recipes... And it is so handy....! Thanks mom... I guess I needed to documented stuff as well.. Moreover, I could share things with others... and learn more... -including learning to commit ;)-... So here we are...., Bismillah....


posted by rin at 6:35 PM, | 0 comments

Who am I...? :P

Thursday, November 1, 2007
Chandler_1 You are Chandler. You're funny and that's why people like to have you around. You're also a great friend, and when someone you care about is in trouble, they know to come to you for some level-headed advice followed by some sharp sarcasm.

Ally Wow, it's looks as though you most relate to the heroine of our show; Ally McBeal! You're sweet and caring, yet confident and outspoken. You will always follow what you believe in; one of which includes finding true love! But don't get too lost in your dreams; reality should have a place in your life too!

135773_res10_hrg You are Horn Rimmed Glasses (aka Mr. Bennet)! Despite some identity confusion, you are not a bad person. You've made some poor choices, but for every bad choice you've faced up to, you've seemed to redeem yourself. You are willing to sacrifice a lot to save the ones you love, and you are smart and cool under pressure. You can talk your way out of many a situation. You have no superpowers (sorry) but your natural ability to think on your feet is awesome.

121650_res1_200pxgreysmeredith2 You're smart and hard working, but whether it's dating drama or family stress, you don't have an easy life. In fact, sometimes it seems like you can't choose a good guy, no matter how hard you try. But, like Meredith, you don't give up. You're determined that no matter what else is going on in your life, you'll focus on your school work and most of the time you do. Give yourself credit for how far you've come, and when it comes to love, look for a guy who'll give you the attention and respect you deserve.


posted by rin at 9:09 PM, | 0 comments

LP in Concert

14 Oct.., got the chance to watch one of my favorites bands live...

Woo hoo.. Singing singles from Hybrid Theory until Minutes to Midnight.., from "In the End" to "What I've Done"... Linkin Park did such an awesome performance.. Multi-talented Mike connected with the audience, while Chester was somewhat like a belatung nangka.. Can't stop moving, i mean :P Got a stable vocal as well, considering he screamed (and sang of course) for about 2 hours.. (I wonder what kind of doping he use.. :P)..
A bit disappointed though, as my fave mellow song, Leave out all the rest, didn't include in the set list.. But it's okey, since their performance was pumping so much better than on the cd.... LP rocks...

A little note on the opening act...

At first, I didn't realize who he is.. I can only think why is he singing Audioslave's and Soundgarden's single..? Is he Audioslave's and Soundgarden's ex vocalist..? Yep.. That's right.. It's Chris Cornell, Audioslave's and Soundgarden's ex vocalist who is now doing solo (He's so different without his facial hair :P).. So sorry he didn't get much appreciation... It's a bit ironic. Coz in early 90's, along with Nirvana and Pearl Jam, Soundgarden was one of the biggest and most successful rock bands.. But now.., he is "just" becoming LP's opening act..
It could be the evidence that the wheel is indeed turning..
It could also be a warn that to keep on being on the top might be more difficult..
Anyway.., I'm entertained enough.. Long time no hear Black Hole Sun and Spoonman... :P


posted by rin at 9:03 PM, | 0 comments


It's not a photo's print size..
It's not my own acronym...
It's actually something that can save our planet..
If Peter Petrelli wanted to save the world by saving the cheerleader..,
we could be heroes by doing this 3R.. Seriously..
Coz 3R could assist to overcome one of the world's biggest problems...
I'm talking here about climate changes, global warming, pollutions and any other environmental issues...
We might find difficulties to force the government and authorized parties and/or related institutions to do something about them..
But it doesn't necessarily mean there's nothing we can do...
Quoting AA Gym...
If we want to make differences.., to act...,
We should:
Start from ourself
Start from little thing
Start right now
Then..., 3R could be one of our chances to change the world to be a better place..
3R might seems so simple...
But they're so powerful...
Reduce our waste.., save energies, stop using non-ozone friendly chemical products such as as Chloro Fluoro Carbon (CFC) and freon...
Could bring our own bags to the supermarket to reduce the use of plastic bags..,
could print on the both sides of paper...,
could turnoff unused electric devices...,
could giveaway unused clothes to the needy...,
Reuse our stuff..., use our item more than once...
Could reuse the plastic bottle..,
could reuse the package by using refill products..
could reuse plastic carrier bags as bin liners,
Recycle waste...
Could separate recycled waste....,
could recycle out-of-dated clothings into something new...
Imagine all people in the world doing these...
Less waste.., less pollution...

Happy blog action day...
(It's still 15 October there in US right.. :P)

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posted by rin at 9:02 PM, | 0 comments

Sayur Labu

This is one of Ketupat's companions... One of my favorites... Actually this is my first time made this vegie... Although there's one ingredient not available, the result wasn't bad at all.. Thanks om Joey for the instructions...
Dunno what to do without u.. :P

- chayotes/labu siam
- Dried shrimps/ebi
- chili peppers
- garlics
- shallots
- candlenut/kemiri
- salt
- bay leaves/daun salam
- galangal/lengkuas/laos
- coconut milk

- slice chayotes
- grind garlics + shallots + chili peppers + salt
- saute grinded spices with bay leaves + galangal
- Add dried shrimps, saute
- Add sliced chayotes, saute
- Pour coconut milk
- Add salt (if required)
- Add a bit palm sugar
- Finish^^

Estimated time: 30 minutes (for 2 portions lho :P)


  • I didn't use candlenut by the time this recipe made (ini dya bahan yg kurang)
  • composition ==> garlic : shallot = 2 : 1
  • chayotes can be replaced by papayas (yg muda tentunya :P)
  • chayote is rich in asam amino and vit C. It have diuretic, cardiovascular and anti-inflammatory properties..
  • use stone grinder if any...


posted by rin at 8:57 PM, | 0 comments

Minal Aidzin Wal Faizin

Nobody is perfect...
Including me..., of course....
Or unintentionally...
I might have made many mistakes...
Some people even might get hurt...
In this Fitr day...
From the bottom of my heart...
Let me say these three words...
I am sorry...
Taqoballahu minna wa minkum
Shiyamana washiyamikum
Minal aidzin walfaizin


Eid Fitr Mubarak 1428 H......


posted by rin at 8:53 PM, | 0 comments

The Last Tarawih 1428 H

Thirty days of Ramadan...
Fifteen nights...
Fourteen people...
Six departments...
Doing teraweh together...
Sharing stories and experiences...
Hoping we will be better...
Ramadan 1428 H will come to an end...
And tonight is the night...
The last Tarawih 1428 H...
Dunno where will I be next year..
Dunno whether am I gonna get Ramadan next year..
Gonna miss Ramadan so much..
Gonna miss u all guys...
Thanks for everything...


Trivia Statistics:

The least number of members: d-5 & d-21(3 ppl)
The biggest number of members: d-28 (7 ppl)
The longest gap: d-13 to d-20
The latest start: d-27 (11 PM)
The busiest night: d-29 (2 shifts)

See the longest gap.., it's a bit ironic since those days were mid break..
Was it because assignments did take a lot of our time..?
Realize that Ramadan will come to an end.., we then back on the track..
Don't wanna miss the chance no more...
May God bless us...


posted by rin at 8:46 PM, | 0 comments

In the Jungle

"In the jungle, the mighty jungle... the lion sleeps tonight..."

Is there anyone recognize this song...? ;P

Eniwei.., like a lion, I also have a thing for the jungle... ;)

Yea.., I love the smell of the forest.. So refreshing....

A refreshment for the nose, a treatment for these eyes.. (green green trees)..

In the end, a refreshment for this brain.., hopefully... :P

Then.., what could I ever ask for more..?


Dandenong Ranges.., Victoria

For more info, visit this site...


posted by rin at 8:38 PM, | 0 comments

Tesselaar Tulip Festival

Actually this posting is a bit too late.. But better late than never right..? :P

Last mid break.. Not really a break actually.. (with those assignments :p), thank God we got the chance to visit Tesselaar Tulip Festival. This annual event is held from Mid September to October at 357 Monbulk Road, Silvan, Victoria... A nice place to escape a bit from our routine..

Do you know that Tulip was actually originated from Turkey..?
This is for example:
Turkish Tulip

However, due to war between Turkey and European countries, this beautiful flower was then adopted by these countries. In fact, Tulip is now more known as Netherlands' national flower.
Years years ago, there were these Dutch couple, brought Tulip seeds from their home country, and grew them here in Victoria.. Finally.... they exposed their tulip collection to public -Tesselaar Tulip Festival was held-.. After 53 years, this festival is now a unique opportunity to see an exotic blaze of living color.. (it could be a therapy for eyes u know.. :P)

100_1810 100_1817


(note: The girl in top right pic is not me :p)

Anyway...., 13-14 October 2007 will be the final Weekend - last chance to tip toe through fields of Tulips (Feat Paul Jamieson-*dunno who* the music man).. So maybe, after visiting friends and families on Ied Fitr day.., could visit this place with family/friends..

How to get there? Follow this link.


posted by rin at 8:23 PM, | 0 comments

Blog Action Day

4 Days to go until Blog Action Day...
Got info from om Jack.., on October 15th, bloggers around the web will unite to put a single important issue on everyone’s mind. This year issue is about the environment. Every blogger will post about the environment in their own way and relating to their own topic to get everyone talking towards a better future.
Isn't it interesting..?
One day. One Issue. Thousands of Voices..
Thousands of voices should be more heard than a single voice..
And, of course, couldn't be better than doing nothing.. :)
Three simple ways to get Involve..
Could do one of them or all of them if you want.. :)

1. On October 15th, post on your blog relating to the environment
Post on your blog something that relates to the environment. Your post can be about anything to do with the environment.
Don't forget to register your blog at

2. Publicize Blog Action Day
Help promote the day with a banner or post on your blog. Like I did in my left hand side of the blog ;P

3. Donate your day's earnings to charity
You could donate your day's earning to charity. Since, Blog Action Day itself doesn't accept money, so you will need to deal directly with the charities.

For more information..., just follow this link.


posted by rin at 8:18 PM, | 0 comments



Dunno when..
Dunno where..
Just got this idea..
A bit crazy unusual though..
And still dunno how to realize it..
But just think about it..
Could make my days brighter..
Then hundreds of questions arise..
Is it one of my salvations...?
Is it the right thing to do...?
Am I be able to do it...?
Do they accept it...?
Etc.. Etc...
Well... we dunno the result until we try...
It could be successful..
Or fail...
I guess.. I'll take the chance..
At least I'm trying...
Don't wanna left behind and regret..
For not giving it a try..

This posting just a reminder for myself..
Coz an idea will be just an idea if we keep it in our mind..
How to make it come true...?
One thing... Just do it..
(FYI I'm not sponsored by that sporting gear manufacturer :P)


posted by rin at 8:14 PM, | 0 comments

Are You Strong Enough...?

God, I feel like hell tonight
Tears of rage I cannot fight
I’d be the last to help you understand
Are you strong enough to be my man?

Nothing’s true and nothing’s right
So let me be alone tonight
Cause you can’t change the way I am
Are you strong enough to be my man?

Lie to me
I promise I’ll believe
Lie to me
But please don’t leave

I have a face I cannot show
I make the rules up as I go
It’s try and love me if you can
Are you strong enough to be my man?
Strong Enough

When I’ve shown you that I just don’t care
When I’m throwing punches in the air
When I’m broken down and I can’t stand
Will you be strong enough to be my man?

Lie to me
I promise I’ll believe
Lie to me
But please don’t leave

Sheryl Crow..

Tonite's result :)


posted by rin at 8:12 PM, | 0 comments


My friend ever told me that I'm one of the most happiest people in the world, because I can sleep anytime and anywhere (in the train, metromini, classroom or whatsoever :P).. As an insomniac himself, he found that sleep deprivation makes him drowsy and unable to concentrate.. The importance of sleep per se can be seen here.

Enuff said... Last nite, I cannot sleep..^^ I know I've shouldn't worry about it coz (Thank God) it doesn't occur often... But the thing is, when I cannot sleep, I tend to think about so many things.. Or is it backward..? I think about so many things.., so that I still stay awake..? :P
Then I remembered some stuffs that could be handy to assist me to get my sleeping beauty back... Counting sheep not included (it doesn't work for me.. :P)

  1. Pray and Zikir.. My mom told me that instead of thinking some unimportant stuffs, I should pray to God and do Zikir.. It could be another good deed for the end for the day, right... :)
  2. Milk.. Drinking a glass of warm milk will sooth our nervous system.. Can be substituted by chamomile tea though.., for those of you who avoid dairy products..
  3. Fragrance.. Like an aromatherapy.. It's relaxing.. I usually put my favorite perfume of the day in my pillow.. Last nite, I used oceanus by Body Shop.. Smells good.. -for me-.. Hmmm...
  4. Music.. Listening to the soft music sometimes could lull me to sleep.. I've heard there are special cassettes made for this purpose.. However, lately I listened to Sholawat by Ungu... Visualizing Pasha..-nah- I'm kidding.. ;) I just love the tunes.. Don't forget to set the sleep mode on -saves energy..:P-
  5. Film.. Watching a booring movie -with sleep mode on- could also lull me to bed. However, this method may not be suitable for some people..
  6. Book.. Some might say that reading a book will stimulate our brain; as a result, we may still awake.. However.., I usually read a booring book (such as text book^^) for a start... (this method rarely been used :P)

Well, there are many other ways to help us to get to sleep, these tips, for example. Or maybe you have your own method.. Whatever it is..., hope you all have a pleasant sleep.. :)

Pic Source: Wikipedia

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posted by rin at 8:02 PM, | 0 comments

Kolak Waluh

"An Indonesian traditional dessert.. It's just perfect for breaking the fasting.. Frankly speaking, it's the first time for me to cook this dessert.. then I found out.. it was so simple.. "

- Squash (red: it's not a sport^^) or pumpkin or waluh
- Coconut milk
- Palm sugar
- Pandanus leaf (if any)
- A bit sugar

- Cut squash into pieces. Boiled them in water.
- Pour in the coconut milk and the palm sugar. Stir until the sugar dissolved.
- Add pandanus leaf (if any) to give more flavor.
- Simmer until the squash tender.
- Add a bit sugar.
- Serve hot or cold.

Estimated time: 15 minutes


  • Waluh can be substituted by banana, cassava or whatever it is according to our personal preference..


posted by rin at 7:52 PM, | 0 comments

The Pursuit of Happyness

Aren't we all....??


posted by rin at 7:48 PM, | 0 comments

Tofu-Meatballs Soup

"dunno why.., I wanna eat meatballs tonite.. Inspired by this blog.. I tried to make my own.. Looked at the fridge.. I didn't have all ingredients.. As usual, I just used things that were available in the fridge.. The result wasn't bad though... ^_^"

- Mince Beef
- Beancurd/tofu
- Egg
- Vegetables (carrot, sprouts, broccoli)
- Tomato
- Garlic
- Onion
- Beef stock
- White Pepper
- Salt


- Grind beancurd and mince beef. Mix them with ground garlic, pepper and salt.
- (Add celery if any)
- Beat an egg, mix it with the meat.
- Create meatballs, fry them.
- Saute garlic with margarine
- Pour water and beef stock, let it boils
- Put vegetables (the hard one first)
- Add with ground pepper and salt
- Saute onion with margarine, add it into the soup
- Add fried tofu-meatballs
- Add sliced tomato
- (Add celery and onion leaf if any)
- Finished^^

Estimated time: 30 minutes


  • Stuff in the brackets could be added to make the soup tastier, unfortunately, i run out of them when the soup was made :P.
  • Vegetables used/quantity can be adjusted with your own preference..

Eniweiii, I chose:
Carrot --> 4 better vision.., sprouts --> 4 fertility, broccoli --> 4 anti cancer


posted by rin at 7:28 PM, | 0 comments


No reason..
Just feel like I wanna doing it rite now..
The more reasons I think.., the more hesitant I could be..
So.., Bismillah...
Here it goes...


posted by rin at 7:26 PM, | 0 comments