Flexi Time

Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Flexible working hours atau flexi time sebenernya bukan barang baru.. Beberapa perusahaan udah cukup lama menerapkan flexi time dalam rangka menyikapi kemacetan Jakarta yang makin menggila ini... Dengan adanya flexi time, karyawan diberikan keleluasaan untuk masuk kerja jam berapa aja, mulai dari jam 7 sd. 9 pagi.., asal jam kerja tetep 8 jam.. Jadi buat yg masuk jam 7 bs pulang jam 16.00, sedangkan yg masuk jam 9.00 ya kudu pulang minimal jam 18.00...

Dampak langsungnya, flexi time ini dapat menekan angka keterlambatan... Karyawan (baca: gw) juga ikut senang karena ngga perlu lari2 kecil buat ngejar absen kalo dateng pas injury time (jam 8 kurang 1 menit) dan ngga perlu ijin2 formal lagi kalo ada perlu plg cepet (cukup dg dateng jam 7.. ;))...

Tapi menurut gw, flexi time ini jg bs menurunkan jam kerja efektif dr 8 jam mjd 6 jam... Secara kita kerja kan ngga sendiri.. melibatkan kolega2 baik satu bagian maupun beda bagian.. Bs jd, saat perlu sama yg laen eh ternyata pd belum dateng ato pun udah pulang.. Jd kalo mo lengkap ya jam 09.00 sd. 16.00.. :P

Dan yang bikin agak ribet.., yg mungkin karena blom biasa... adalah absen pulang.. Untuk memastikan jam kerja dah mencapai 8 jam, karyawan perlu absen pulang.. Sekali lg.., mungkin karena blom biasa.., banyak temen2 yg kelupaan absen pulang.. Ada yang udah di jalan terpaksa balik buat absen pulang.., atau yg malaem2 udah asik2 nonton TV bersama keluarga tiba2 kepikiran kalo saat pulang td blom absen...

Thank God slm ini gw inget2 ajah absen plg.. Tp masalahnya.., tempat gw absen adalah 17 lantai berbeda dr tempat gw kerja (beda sayap pulak meskipun satu gedung).. FYI.., it takes around 10 minutes to reach that handkey (the longest time is contributed by elevator waiting time).. Ribet ye.. Pernah satu saat.., gw dah ditunggu temen n gw kelupaan absen.. dengan buru2 lah gw absen dulu... Sampe di tempat... gw denger suara: “Maaf Mbak kalo hari Jumat kan ngga perlu absen pulang..” OMG I completely forgot.. Jumat kan exception buat flexi time.. Friday is Esia Time.. :P Mxdnya tetep masuk jam 7.30 n balik jam 17.00.. Jd what for gitu lohh absen lg.. What a waste of time.. :P

Balik lg..., it’s all a matter of habits.. Signage “Jangan lupa absen pulang” di deket tombol lift cukup membantu.. Absen di t4 lain may seem ridiculous.., tp at least gw bs tau apa yg lagi happening di dept induk gw (acara makan siang bareng misalnya.. hehe).. Jadi yang perlu diperhatiin disini adalah jam pulang.. Perlu diusahain spy satu bagian ngga pulang bareng smua.. Jd ngga ada tuh ada bagian yg kosong gara2 semua dah pd pulang cepet… Yahh.., aturable aja dehh.. ^_^


posted by rin at 9:11 PM, | 1 comments

Rafting @ Citarik

Sunday, August 3, 2008
pic source: http://www.arusliar.co.id/

Kali ini ini gw maen di Citarik pake pake provider.. Dah tau dunk yang mana.., secara dah dipajang diatas.. :P

Trus bedanya Citarik sama Cicatih.., t4 terakhir gw rafting.., tingkat kesulitan di Citarik ngga setinggi di Cicatih.. Citarik sungainya agak landai, jeramnya lebih beruntun tapi ngga segede di Cicatih.., sedangkan Cicatih sungainya kayak anak tangga, jeramnya lebih tinggi gituh, ngebikin Cicatih lebih seru...

Dah gitu..., skr sungai dah surut bgd.. Jadi tinggal batu2 gituh.. bolak balik nyangkut d..
Ya wajar aja siy, mengingat sekarang dah jarang bgt ujan.. Cicatih ajah udah ngga ada aernya.. (ada siy.., tp lebih surut lg :P)..
Rencana buat balik minggu depan kayanya bakal dicancel d.. Nunggu kalo dah musim hujan aja kali y.. ^_^


posted by rin at 9:34 AM, | 2 comments

Out of the Blue

A friend told me about her excess baggage experience. On the way back home, at the check in counter, she found that her luggage was overweight. According to the international procedure, baggage’s allowed up to 32 kg, while her baggage was 36 kg. It ain’t no secret that excess baggage could be so extremely expensive. It was so not cool to pay around GBP1,000 for that extra weight, was it..? Moreover, she didn’t have enough money that moment.. She was worried about that.., so she could only pray… and hoped that her mastercard wont be rejected…
Unexpectedly, a lady came to her and told her where she could get cheaper overweight baggage service.. Instead of GBP1,000 she needed only to pay GBP300.. She felt a bit relieve.. Although it wasn’t a small amount either (multiply by Rp.19,000 :P), it was, indeed, cheaper..
After that, the airlines officer came and told her that the flight was delayed for 6 hours. Therefore, the airlines gave GBP600 to compensate their passengers..
Now do the math…
Yep… Instead of losing GBP1,000 or GBP300, my friend gained GBP300..
Yea, exclusive the time wasted to wait the next flight.. But that’s alright I guess.. :P

She asked me why..? Why those things had happened to her…
I can only say, don’t ask why darl.. It’s a gift.. You’re been blessed.. So thank God for that… :)

Dunno…, nice things may come surprisingly from unexpected people (people we don’t know before, for example).. For instance, I ever been in similar situation above.. (and no kidding I’ve got 40 kg baggage at that time :P).. An airport officer made my friend, who checked in 5 minutes before me, to redo her baggage, made sure it wasn’t over 32 kg or charged her for the excess baggage.. Thank God the officer just let me passed her, with my 40 kg baggage.. I remembered, one time I could across Pulau Seribu by boat free of charge, while a friend, that supposedly catch me up, needed to pay a quite substantial amount of money.. Or one day, an old stranger man, out of the blue, gave me barney stuff animal… Or a younger stranger man gave me tweeties (yep, 2 tweety stuff animals :P) that I was looking forward to get from that vending machine (never succeed until now :P).. Or one day when I lost my wallet and many other nice things surprisingly came..

Thank God I often experienced those things…
I’m such a lucky girl I guess..
Or… Maybe…, it’s true…
Nice things are happened to the nice people… hehe.. (my overly quoted sayings :P)

Anyway… While nice things may come surprisingly from unexpected people..., people we expected to be nice (because we have been so nice to them, for example), may not do things we thought..
Well… we cannot force anybody to repay our good deed.. right..?
Since expecting people will do the same like we do will only leave the pain when they don’t…, being nice should be accompanied by sincerity..
Just be nice because we want to.. (or in the Name of God for the highest level ^_^)
Maybe people we expected to be nice.., didn’t exactly repay our sincere gestures…
But, from nowhere, who knows..? Something nicer could come…
It won’t harm us for being nice…, so why don’t we..??

My friend’s story have been shortened, published without permission (by the time this entry was posted.. :P)


posted by rin at 8:06 AM, | 0 comments