
Thursday, May 29, 2008
About a week ago.., watched these movies:

These movies are very entertaining.. Actions combined with some humors.., yet superb performance from the leading actors.., have made 'em fun to watch..
Great comeback Robert.., n how cud u look cooler when u'r older Harry... *sok akrab mode on :P*

Despite of different setting.., there are similarities between these heroes:
1. Smart
Tony is a technology prodigy, while Indy is an archeology senior lecturer..
2. Powerful
Tony created his own powerful suit of armor, while Indy used a whip and everything nearby as his arms..
3. Courage
They both were fearless.. Battle hundreds (ok.., many.. if it's too much :P) enemies at a time.. Although there's a cartoon effect here (u know, when the hero is a diehard kind of guy, always survive :P)..
4. Golden Heart
Tony decided to close his profitable missile factory knowing that it only lead into chaos. On the other hand, Indy still helped his friend although this guy had betrayed Indy..
5. Human
Being superheroes, they both have weaknesess.. for example.. Ironman can't stand the height, while Indy afraid of snakes.. But they succesfully overcame their weaknesses though..
6. Repented Flamboyant
Tony Stark is a billionaire playboy, when finally fall for his assisstant.. Indy had dated many women before decided to marry his love of his life..

Thus.., it can be concluded.., to be a superhero, we need to have these qualilties:
A fearless, powerful man/woman combined with a high intelligence, having a golden heart, helping the others.., cud understand and overcome his/her own weaknessess. Dunno whether flamboyant is applicable here. But if he/she does.., need to forswear first.. don't u think.. :P

Considering above qualities.., could we be a hero as well..?


posted by rin at 9:32 PM, | 0 comments


Monday, May 26, 2008
This post is dedicated to all abang Ojek around my neighborhood.... *Peace bang*

Scene 1

Di tengah perjalanan tiba2 turun hujan n gw ngga bawa jas hujan.
O : “Neng.., ujan nih.. no nepi dulu atau diterusin aja...?”
G : “Terusin aja deh Bang.. Saya udah hampir terlambat nih..”
O : “Ujan gini Neng... Pake mantel saya aja yah..”
G : -long pause: mikir2 mo minjem apa ngga.., tapi daripada basah akhirnya bilang-“Iya deh Bang.., boleh deh.. makasih ya..”
O : “Tapi maaf Neng.., mantelnya agak bau..”
G : -dengan nada pasrah- “Ya sudahlah gpp”

And yep... It did smell like hell.. Had to hold my breath along the way... Thank God I survived then... :P

Scene 2

Naik bis.., ternyata macet melebihi biasanya.. Biar ngga telat, akhirnya gw memutuskan turun di tengah perjalanan buat naik ojek...
G : “Sudirman bang.., 20 ribu yah”
O : “Iya Neng.., tapi kita lewat jalan tikus aja yak..., jalan utama ngga gerak..”
G : “Iya deh Bang, gimana baeknya.. Asal cepet aja...”

Ternyata jalan tikus dimaksud berjarak 5X lebih jauh drpd jalan utama.., yg ujung2nya gw telat jg... kalo tau gitu mah naek bis aja.., cheaper.. hehehe

Scene 3

Turun dari ojek.. Udah bayar.., tapi abangnya masih ngeliatin gw ajah....

G : “Kenapa bang..? Kurang ya..?”
O : “Ngga Neng.., tapi maaf itu helmnya..”
G : “Hehehe.. Iyahh.. Maaf ya Bang.” –sambil melepas helm yg masih nempel dikepala-

Dasar dodol.. suka lupa genee... untung aja ngga keterusan sampe dalem bis :P

Scene 4

Di tengah kemacetan.., ojek mo berbelok ke kanan sampai tiba2 “GUBRAAAKKKK”.. Innova Silver menabrak dari belakang...
O : “Neng.., ngga papa kan?”
G : -terlompat dr ojek n nyaris jatuh- “Gpp kok Bang.., terus aja deh.. dah mo telat nihh..”

Mau marah2 males.. Masih untung ngga jatuh.. Kan kalo beneran jatuh, mungkin sakitnya ngga seberapa.., tp malunya itu lohhh... :P

Scene 5

Pulang naik kereta seperti biasa naik ojek dr stasiun...

O : “Kerja dimana Neng?”
G : "Sudirman Bang"
O : "Ada lowongan ngga Neng..? Saya udah 3 tahun nganggur.. Ngga ada kerjaan jd ngojek gini deh.."
G : "Duh maaf Bang.. lagi ngga ada.. Tapi kalo Abang mau.., sebenernya di sales aja Bang.., biasanya selalu ada lowongan."
O : "Saya mah ngga bisa nyales Neng.. Ngga pinter ngomong.."
G : "Yah namanya jg nyoba Bang.., tapi Abang kan masih muda.., masih banyak kesempatan.. Insya Allah.."
O : "Bla... Bla... Bla..."
G : "Bli... Bli.. Bli..." -ngobrol sampe tau2 nyampe.., n gw bayar seperti biasanya-
O : "Loh kok cuma Rp.6.000,-??? Mustinya Rp.15.000!!"
G : "Hah.. Biasa jg segitu Bang.., saya kan sering bgt naik ojek.."
O : "Kalo segini mah saya ngga mau Neng.. Udahlah mending Neng ngga usah bayar aja..!!"
G : "Ya udah deh Rp.10.000,-"
O : "Ngga perlu Neng.. Tadi Eneng ngga nawar.. Tau gt saya ngga narik.."
G : "Lohh.. saya udah biasa bayar Rp.6.000 bang.."
O : "Ya udah.. Kalo gt ngga usah bayar aja.. Saya ngga perlu!!"
G : -sambil mengeluarkan Rp.15.000- "Ya udah Bang.., drpd saya makan rezeki orang.., mending saya bayar kelebihan. Tapi tolong ya Bang.., jangan suka sombong nolak rezeki.. Yg kayak gini2 malah bs menghambat rezeki lohh..."

Whatta a long conversation... from friendly chat to the quarrel... No wonder he said he cannot sell.. ;) I wont 4get him anyway.., the man with burberry's prints on his bike.. :P

Ojeg oh ojeg... Ada2 aja.. Everyday there’s a new story.. Thanks ya Bang selama ini dah nganterin ke kantor biar ngga telat.. ^_^

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posted by rin at 7:44 PM, | 3 comments

The Jungle vs BBM

Sunday, May 25, 2008
Seolah ngga ngaruh sama kenaikan BBM yg br diumumin dua malam yl.., hari ini The Jungle ramee bangedh.. Saking ramenya..., renang2 dikit dah mentok kiri kanan...

Tp bukan berarti gw disini tmsk golongan yang ngga masalah dengan kenaikan BBM ya..

Duka cita siy pasti...
Tp mo gmn lagee.., dah lama jg ngga jalan sama fam...
And life must go on tohh...
It's a hard decision and it's a hard news...
Tapi kan segala sesuatu tergantung dr gmn kita menyikapinya ya...
Dengan kenaikan BBM ini.., kita ditantang buat lebih kreatif lagi..
Gimana bs lebih berhemat..
Gimana bs memanage keuangan lebih baik..
Dan gimana "syukur2" bs ngedapetin extra income..

Halahh.. mulai dr ramenya The Jungle sampe ranting soal BBM..

Trus hubungannya The Jungle sm BBM..?
Kenaikan BBM bs jadi bakal mengurangi kunjungan ke t4 wisata macam The Jungle..
Yea.. Hope we'll survive.. ^_^


posted by rin at 7:42 PM, | 2 comments

Dunno How...

Yep.. there're new contents on the side bar...
Incase u didn't notice...
Recent comments are now displayed and quote of the day is now actually daily..
(It's automatically changing.., just so u know.. :P Got bored with the same old saying been displayed for months.. Sorry Forest.., :P)
There's new hit counter as well., replacing the old one.. Eventhough it means it has to be restarted.. Hopefully this one would last..
But one thing still bothering me..
I can't display comments from u guys..
I need to click "post a comment" then voila it showed up...
So lame...
Dunno whats wrong..
Dunno how to fix it...

Yeah I'll figure it out later...
Or maybe someone could give me a hand..



posted by rin at 7:04 PM, | 0 comments

Rafting @ Cicatih

Monday, May 19, 2008
Two Days..
Two Trips..
Two Rafts...

Row.. row... your boat... till got this sunburn.. :p

Yep... Rafting could be an alternative way to spend our weekend..

It's fun..
It's thrilling..
It's challenging...

Not to mention the natural view and atmosphere...

What could be more exciting than this..?

Pic Source:

Could visit these providers.., if interested..

Or just contact me..., for other alternatives... ;)


posted by rin at 10:15 PM, | 2 comments


Dapet rezeki..
Rezeki mang katanya suka dateng pagi2...

Mangkanya bangun pagi2... ;)
Kata orang jaman dahoeloe niyyy..
Kalo bangun siang2.., nanti rezekinya keburu dipatuk ayam.. :P

Gara2 "tumben" agak pagian dateng ke kantor...
Dapet batik lutju inihh..
(hihi.. iyahh, i know.., di gambar bawah ngga keliatan lutuna.., scr ngga keliatan bentuknya :P)

Thx ya bang... *big smile*

Ngomong-ngomong soal batik lutju.., terselip rasa senang n bangga ternyata batik dah bs jd tuan rumah di negeri sendiri... Krn ngga tau gmn.., ni batik skr jadi begitu in-nya... mulai dr buat kerja.., maen atau sekedar belanja di mall.., ce2 berbatik terlihat dmn2...

Memang..., setelah batik dipatenkan oleh si malingsia.., batik dah mulai variatif.., baik dr motif, warna maupun modelnya... liat2 dey nih contohnya...

Pic Source:

Hari jumat (buat yg wajib berbatik di t4 kerja) skr dah bukan jadi hari kondangan lagee..., tp hari buat gaya... hihihi...

OK dey.... Tanah Abang...., here I come..........


posted by rin at 8:48 PM, | 2 comments

Ngga Matching...???

Location: Jl. Ubrug, Pelabuhan Ratu


posted by rin at 8:15 PM, | 0 comments

Not Enough

Monday, May 12, 2008
To love somebody naturally
To love somebody faithfully
To love somebody equally
Is not enough
Is not enough
It's not enough

To love somebody secretly, and never touch
To love somebody honestly, and always trust
To love somebody tenderly, the tender touch
It's not enough
It's not enough

Love hurts you sometimes
It's not so easy to find, no
Searchin' everywhere
You turn and swear
It's always been there

To love somebody foolishly, can happen once
To love somebody hopelessly, it hurts so much
To love somebody equally
Is not enough
Is not enough
It's not enough

Love takes a little time
It's no so easy to find, no
Searchin' everywhere
You turn and swear
She's always been there
Standin' there...oh

And if it doesn't come easily
One thing you must believe
You can always have trust in me
Because my heart will allways be, yours honestly

Love hurts you sometimes
Not yours, it's not mine, no
Love's only to share
Turn and swear
It's everywhere
Standing there
'cause it's always been there



posted by rin at 9:32 PM, | 0 comments

Bandung Selatan di Waktu Siang

Ciwidey..., kawasan selatan Bandung.. (Psst... Keluar pintu tol Kopo yahh..)
Bisa jadi alternatif lain buat jalan2 selain di "Kota Bandung"-nya...

Dua jam tol Cipularang.., keluar di pintu tol Kopo.., kita bs melanjutkan perjalanan menuju KAWAH PUTIH..
Sepanjang jalan menuju KAWAH PUTIH, di kanan kiri jalan terbentang kebun strawberry.. bisa mampir sebentar buat strawberry picking... Kalo pun lagi ngga mood buat petik2.., bisa kok beli strawberry dengan kisaran harga Rp.10.000-Rp.20.000,- sebungkus... (Duhh.., gram-nya ngga kecatet :P)

Lebih kurang 1-2 jam dr pintu tol Kopo, ke arah Situ Patenggang.., sebelah kiri jalan kita akan ngeliat gerbang dengan tulisan KAWAH PUTIH (ya iya lahh..).. Untuk masuk kawasan ini, kita cukup bayar Rp.10.000/org + Rp.5.000/mobil.. Goodnews-nya lagi.., track menuju kawah dari tempat parkir tidak terlalu jauh (+/- 15 menit jalan kaki) dan landai.. cocok buat ngajak anak2... dannn... OK jg nihh buat background prewed pic... :P

Dari Kawah Putih..., kita bisa ngelanjutin perjalanan menuju kebun teh (masih ke arah Situ Patenggang).. mo teawalk.., boleh juga.. atau sekedar menghirup udara segar sambil menyantap jagung bakar.. slurppp.. (mm.., ini suara minum bajigurnya :P)...

Hijaunya dedaunan dan konturnya yang indah membuat mata jd tambah syegeer.. Insya Allah.. Dan udaranya yg alami.., ok jg buat me-refresh penciuman yg sesak oleh polusinya Jakarta..

Dari kebun teh.., kita bs ngelanjutin perjalanan menuju Situ Patenggang.., danau yang katanya buat lokasi syuting film LOVE.., apa FROM BANDUNG WITH LOVE ya..? Ngga pasti juga.., terlalu banyak film Indo yang mengusung kata LOVE sbg judulnya... :P Tapi katanya ni danau indah.. (katanya..? yup.. too bad.., karena keterbatasan waktu itu ngga sempet kesana buat ngebuktiin).. tapi ni ada gambar situ patenggang yg boleh dpt dr web tetangga.. :P (sourcenya ini)

Jadi tambah satu lagi nehhh alasan buat balik kesana..

Care to join...? ;)


posted by rin at 7:53 PM, | 0 comments